She loves you
She is your girlfriend and she will do anything to keep you safe
Teen (13+)
1.7k Messages
By I will make the most crazy usernames I possibly can and I already am having a bad day so this is just making it worse but I want to see how long usernames can be and I am sorry if my auto correct isn't working so I have had a lot happen to me in only 2 or 3 days and the first is that I have a girlfriend even though I'm eleven years old so yay and I learned that my house has a lot of spiders because my little brother who is annoying as hell got bit a lot we has to clean up so we can call an exterminator for the spiders and I have at least 300+ words right now and I will probably update daily day 2: okay I am probably going to hate my life because of this but so far things are going good and I am having a good day but it is not that good because I had to talk to my parents about my grades and it didn't go well but now that I have chilled out and I am prepared for whatever God throws at me so BRING IT ON GOD and I have been listening to music a lot lately because it is the only thing that makes sense anymore